Ceremony Ceprotan Village Sekar

Budi Sanjaya 8:08:00 PM
Lots of traditional ceremonies in Indonesia Region, from each region were different. one of which is the Feast of Indigenous Ceprotan Sekar village. The traditional parties are in the region of East Java Pacitan. Precisely at a village called Village Sekar.

image ceremony ceprotan in sekar village

Why is Ceprotan? 

Beginning of this traditional ceremony is meant to commemorate the predecessor to the Goddess Sekartaji Village Sekar and Flag Asmorobangun through the village clean. The ceremony is believed to keep the village from the plague and facilitate agricultural activities are the main livelihood for most residents.

According to the villagers trust Sekar, Godeng Ki is the first to open up the area which was originally a jungle. Ki Godeng is another name for Flag Asmorobangun, someone who mandraguna magic of Kediri. Due to the tenacity and expertise of the Godeg Ki, which was originally a region of wilderness successfully converted into agricultural land.

One time, he met with two women who were traveling. Both of these women are actually the incarnation of goddess Dewi Dewi Sukonadi and Sekartaji. They rested in a region that has dibabad Ki Godeng. One of the goddess Dewi Sekartaji feel thirsty. Feeling sorry, Ki Godeg offered to find a drink for the goddess.

image ceremony ceprotan in pacitan
Goddess Sekartaji then asked the young coconut water to treat thirst. Unfortunately, in the region there are no palm trees at all. But for the sake of the Goddess Sekartaji mememenuhi demand, Ki Godeg do matekaji or use their knowledge to get into the ground for the young coconut in place far enough. Places where Ki Godeg into the ground turned into a water source, and then place him out of the land was also a spring that is in the area Wirati, District of Kalak. The spring is called Kedong Timo. Once he found a palm tree, Ki Godeg climb and took his palm, then back again to the same place where the Goddess Sekartaji waiting for him. Where he came out of the ground as well be spring again. Goddess Sekartaji immediately thirsty to drink water from a young coconut, performed by Ki Godeg.

The rest of the young coconut water is not drunk by Goddess Sekartaji shed where the goddess stood. Coconut water is touching the ground at once a source of water that until now known as Source Sekar. Goddess Sekartaji then addresses the Ki Godeg, if later the site to a residential village so named Sekar. For youth who want ngalap blessing to seek food and clothing, he sent using Cengkir which in Indonesian is a young coconut. Day of the event are Monday POND in Longkang or Dzulqaidah.

Young coconut is used as the main tool in this ceremony is meant by Goddess Cengkir Sekartaji in the legend above. Cengkir symbolic meaning of this lies in the extension of the Java Cengkir according to the bell-cenge thought. Thus, referring to the Goddess of the message Sekartaji that for youth who want ngalap blessing to seek food and clothing, he sent using Cengkir or molasses-cenge think it means relying on the intellect or the brain.

Then the coconut throwing events, implies mutual help in finding sustenance in meeting the needs of his life. Grilled chicken whole (ingkung) situated in the middle of the arena ceremony symbolizes good fortune to be in the try or sought by the youths.

Actions that can be taken from Ceprotan Ceremony 

  1. Our belief toward God. Activity prayer at the beginning and closing ceremonies which symbolize hope and resignation we towards the Creator, reminds us that we must begin and end every efforts we do with prayer.
  2. Attitude together to achieve goals. 
  3. To help each other exemplary attitude towards fellow human beings. 
  4. The mutual respect among fellow humans and love.

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