Origin of Prambanan in Yogyakarta Vacation Spots

Budi Sanjaya 10:33:00 AM
Yogyakarta besides known as "student city" as well as a tourist paradise in the world. Hapir every day a lot of foreign travelers coming to visit this city. Besides the right holiday frequented by foreign travelers are Prambanan Temple.

Why is Prambanan?

It started about tens and even hundreds of years ago in which there are two kingdoms named Pengging and Boko. Pengging kingdom is fertile and prosperous work led by a wise and prudent king named Prabu Damar Moyo and have a male son named Raden Bandung Bondowoso.
image prambanan temple indonesia

Kraton Boko was the territory Pengging kingdom ruled by a king who was cruel and insolence intangible tangible common man but a great giant who likes to eat human flesh, named Prabu Boko. However, Prabu Boko had a beautiful daughter and graceful like an angel of Khayangan named Princess Loro Jonggrang.

Prabu Boko also had a duke in the form of a giant named Patih Gupolo. Prabu Boko want to rebel and wanted to rule the kingdom Pengging, then he and Patih Gupolo gather strength and gather supplies by training young men into soldiers and property of the people asking for supplies.

After the preparation is enough, then King Boko and soldiers went to the royal Pengging to rebel. Then there was war in the Kingdom Pengging between the soldiers and the soldiers peng Pengging Kraton Boko.

Many casualties on both sides and people Pengging be suffering because of the war, many people hunger and poverty.

Knowing people suffered many casualties and soldiers who died, then Prabu Damar Moyo sent his son Raden Bondowoso go to war against King Boko and terjadilan very fierce battle between Raden Bandung Bondowoso against Prabu Boko. Because the miracle Raden Bondowoso then Prabu Boko can be destroyed. Seeing the king died, then Patih Gupolo escape. Raden Bandung Bondowoso to pursue Patih Gupolo Kraton Boko.

Having arrived at Kraton Boko, Patih Gupolo Princess Loro Jonggrang reported that his father had been killed in battle, killed by a knight named Raden Pengging Bondowoso. Princess Loro Jonggrang wept, sad heart because her father had been killed on the battlefield.

Then cometh Raden Bondowoso and alarmed at Kraton Boko Raden Bondowoso saw Princess Loro Jonggrang a beautiful girl, so he wanted to marry the Princess Loro Jonggrang as his wife.
image statue loro jonggrang in prambanan temple

However Princess Loro Jonggrang not want dipersunting Raden Bondowoso because he had killed his father. To reject the proposal Raden Bondowoso, then Princess Loro Jonggrang has finesse. Princess Loro Jonggrang manu dipersunting Raden Bondowoso as long as he is able to grant two requests Princess Loro Jonggrang. The first request, Princess Loro Jonggrang asked for Jalatunda wells while the second request, Princess Loro Jonggrang asked for 1000 temples in one night.

Raden Bondowoso the daughter agreed second request. Immediately Raden Bondowoso make Jalatunda wells and after so he called Princess Loro Jonggrang to see the well.

Then Princess Loro Jonggrang Raden Bondowoso sent into the well. After Raden Bondowoso into the well, Princess Loro Jonggrang ruled Patih Gupolo hoard wells and Raden Bondowoso was buried under a stone in the well. Princess Loro Jonggrang and Patih Gupolo assume that Raden Bandung Bondowoso had died in the wells in the well but it turns out Raden Bondowoso not dead then he meditated to get out of the well and Raden Bondowoso out of the well safely.

Puteri Raden Bondowoso Loro Jonggrang met with furious that she has accumulated in the wells. However, because of the beauty of Princess Loro Jonggrang Raden Bondowoso anger subsided.

Then Princess Loro Jonggrang bill promises a second request to Raden Bandung Bondowoso to make 1000 temples in one night time. Then immediately Raden Bondowoso commanded genies to make the temple but the Princess Loro Jonggrang want to frustrate Raden Bondowoso make the temple. He ordered the girls to pound and burn straw in order to look for a sign of morning light has come and the cock was crowing interchangeably.

Hear the rooster crowing and people pounding rice in the east and then the genie appear bright stopped making temples. Jin reported that Raden Bondowoso genie can not continue to make that less of the temple since morning has arrived. However hunch Raden Bondowoso am not yet arrived. The sage called Princess Loro Jonggrang temple and apparently told to calculate the sums are 999 temples, staying one unfinished temple.

So Princess Loro Jonggrang not want dipersunting Raden Bondowoso. Because deceived and manipulated then Raden Bondowoso once wrath and curse of Princess Loro Jonggrang "Hi Loro Jonggrang less than one and genapnya temple thou thousand person". So bizarre Princess Loro Jonggrang change into a statue of stone sculptures.

And until now Loro Jonggrang sculpture statue still exists in Prambanan and Raden Bondowoso cursed the girls around Prambanan being a virgin kasep (spinster) because it has helped Princess Loro Jonggrang.

From the story of the origin of the Prambanan many people first say that if you're dating the temple Area will experience separation. Similarly, a piece of the story of origin of Prambanan temple which is one of the Hindu people of Indonesia, which is still well preserved. Source Story : dongeng.org

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